Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where'd March go?

So apparently January was blog month for me. But now here I am, on the verge of April, and barely posting again.

I meant to post two blogs about volunteering with Extreme Makeover. That might still happen.


SonRise is here again! We're in week three of practices, but for my scene (Last Supper) we're having trouble getting people to show up. We haven't made any of the none-speaking disciples come yet because the focus has just been getting the Jesus actors to memorize their lines, but now it's time to start building the scene! So I hope they show up...

Also, our final digital video production project has been assigned: community promo, and work with a real client. I'm going to try to do mine on Flag Camp, a campus ministry that plays with and worships with kids in low-income housing twice a month. This project is supposed to be one that we put in our portfolios, and it's worth a lot for our final grade, so I hope I can pull off a good one! I wish it was going to be done before my internship interview in Atlanta next week, but my other projects will have to suffice for showing off my skillz.

Last but not least, script frenzy starts this week! I haven't written anything creative, besides music, since junior high, so I'm definitely nervous. But I'm also getting really excited as I develop my characters! The timing of this event couldn't come at a worse time, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Even if I only get half to the goal (100 pages), I will feel accomplished. I'm glad I've gotten a few friends to suffer with me! I'll try to keep this updated on my progress through the month.

Let the chaos begin!

1 comment:

  1. I'm one of the friends to suffer with you! :) I'm so excited! It's going to be a great experience!
