Saturday, March 27, 2010


The door said, "Walk Right In." So I straightened up and confidently did just that.

As a new costumer, they needed my address to put me in their system. I haven't bothered to completely memorize my address at the dorm, so I turned to Lauren for help. I tripped over my words and spoke over her and argued as we both tried to deliver my address; in short, I communicated very poorly. The lady tried not to act too annoyed, and I was left only slightly embarrassed by my communication fail.

We finally got through it and I waited there with her for the sink to free up. She asked me what my major was, and I sheepishly laughed, "Communications." We all had a chuckle, but then I had a thought. By my performance the last few minutes, there was no way she could have guessed I was majoring in communications, planning to work in communications for the rest of my life. And then the synapses jumped: can people tell I'm a Christian?

This is a subject that my thoughts have touched on briefly throughout my life, as youth pastors and inspirational speakers have brought it up: can people tell you follow Jesus by the way you live your life? And in those moments, it is something I inwardly nod towards. Yes, I want to witness by living. But have I ever really?

To my joy, at the end of staffing a three-week summer program in '08, Teen Bible Academy, my youth pastor told me that I had done just that. Several girls told him that they wanted what I had, that God's presence was evident in my life, just from watching me. It was something I'd been praying for all year, to be able to witness by the way I lived my life. But that was two years ago, and I'm not sure the influence extended past those girls.

Jesus said that we are "the light of the world," and to "let your light shine before men," and sometimes, I'm not sure what that means for me. I really gave considering SM a shot this year, but He said no. To me, that's the most obvious way to "shine" to the "world," but that wasn't in store this year. So maybe I should go back to the basics. God rewarded Elisha for being faithful in the small things. Maybe that's where I need to start.

I want to be faithful to God in the little details of my life, even the parts where nobody else is looking, maybe especially those parts. If He's not giving me any other mission in my life than to just life a God-filled life, then I want to do just that, to the best of my ability.


  1. so true about the way we live our life. At camp I saw Jesus in you.

  2. Thank you Sonya. Means a lot :)
