Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Caught up!

After much tribulation and struggling to figure out what comes next, I have finally gotten caught up on my script!

Today I was supposed to be at 66.6 pages, and I got to 67! I'm super duper stoked. Yesterday and the day before I finally wrote out what I wanted from the next section, so I'd know where I was going. Then I wrote for most of my four hour shift at work today, and got almost ten pages done! Thus, caught up I am.

I'm really enjoying this challenge! It really is the worst month to do it, but somehow it's working out! And I super loving being a writer. My characters are definitely coming into their own, and the story is just working itself out. I update my roommate on them as if I've been watching a soap opera (the two oldest of which just got cancelled: sad day for stay-at-homers everywhere).

I can already see parts that will need to be re-written, a process that I'm actually looking forward to, even though I didn't think I would. For example, the younger sister needs to have more edge, more teenage flippantness (thanks for reminding Kylee). So that will need to be more apparent in the beginning, and then it'll make more sense that she actually goes through a little bit of a transition, and that you actually realize she has thought about her future and wants to do good things. And as other things come out about the characters (that I didn't even know before), I realize I may need to set them up differently.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm really excited about how this is going and how much fun I'm having.



  1. HURRAY! :) I'm in your BLOG! hehehehe. I'm honored, truly! But I'm so proud of you. I wish you were updating me AHEM! Hehe. But it's all good. I'm glad you're loving being a writer. Can you see why I'm trying to make a living out of it?? But that's wonderful. I wanna see what you've come up with!

    AND OH! Congrats on being caught up. I'm so proud of you! :D

  2. So I just tried to reply and it didn't work and lost what I said. Dammit.

    Anyway, hehehe YAY! I know, and we will Skype!! It doesn't help that you can't text ;) And yeah--it's even better than I remembered! I can't wait for people to read it and to do a rewrite :D

    Thanks darlin' ;]]
